(307) 856-3719 drew@bottmonument.com
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One of a kind

One of a kind

Unique. It’s a word used too often in our culture. Some even qualify it with adverbs like ‘truly’ or ‘really’ because the word unique has lost it’s value. If something is unique then it is the only one of its kind; you won’t...
Faster Horses

Faster Horses

There is a beautiful quote often attributed to Henry Ford. The apocryphal nature of the statement isn’t important nor does it matter if it was Henry Ford or Harrison Ford who uttered it (if it was ever ‘uttered’ at all). What I want to focus on is the profound truth...
Linton memorial

Linton memorial

This unique memorial is placed in Meeteetse, WY. The man it honors loved to drive truck and his family wanted this love of trucking expressed in the memorial. Of course it would have been easy to engrave a picture of a truck on a piece of granite along with his name....
Novotny memorial

Novotny memorial

It is 7’ long and stands about 4’ tall. We wanted to make it look like the mountains so we came up with the 3 piece tablet. It gave some depth to it and really is cool. The vase on the left is a drill bit from an oil rig that his friends welded for him. All of the...
The Dentist Appointment

The Dentist Appointment

No one likes the dentist. There are few reasons besides severe pain or discomfort that can persuade people to schedule an appointment. It’s one of those places you visit because you have to and virtually never because you want to. Purchasing a monument is just...
Do you want fries with that?

Do you want fries with that?

The impersonal nature that is online monument sales When you think of McDonalds does the word ‘quality’ come to mind? If you had to select a restaurant for an important occasion would Arby’s make the short list? Of course not. Both McDonalds and Arby’s know what they...